Non-profit and voluntary sector of the economy, the "third sector" in contrast to the public sector and private sector.
Examples for "voluntary sector"
Examples for "voluntary sector"
1Funds also come from six district councils, companies and the voluntary sector.
2The voluntary sector is facing huge demand for services at the moment.
3First, I have worked in the voluntary sector for a long time.
4So how do pay ratios in the voluntary sector currently stack up?
5For more news, opinions and ideas about the voluntary sector, join our community.
1E claw back some of the money spent on the independent sector.
2Certification through an independent sector specific control system for fraud and authenticity 7.
3Will it think carefully about its impact on the independent sector?
4Proof of the influence of parental choice is evident in the independent sector.
5This outdated thinking needed to change to protect local journalism and the independent sector.
1Everyone knows that it's a tough time for the voluntary and community sector.
2I could work in the voluntary and community sector and other things too.
3Mr O'Connor described the McCarthy report as an all-out attack on the community sector.
4Wellington's community sector says proposed supported living apartments in the capital are long overdue.
5More than 80 contracts will be in place this week with voluntary and community sector organisations.
1Government and the non-profit sector should work harder to address this.
2I'd like to stay in the non-profit sector whether it's clean water or fighting poverty.
3It's one of the big problems in the non-profit sector, but it's by far the only one.
4While there is great work being done, the reality is people don't trust the non-profit sector, he says.
5I would encourage local, regional and national multi-agency work across the whole country in the public and non-profit sector.
1The GRS segment delivers funding solutions to private and third sector customers.
2A vibrant economy and strong society needs an active third sector.
3Being a leader takes boldness, and in this the third sector is rich.
4Lisa Weaks is third sector programme manager at the King's Fund.
5The third sector will play a bigger role in the future.
1Unions, business and social sector each has own ideas for presidency, writes John Downes.
2Epicurean delights can be found in every social sector.
3We all have terminology unique to our social sector.
4She said the council's new fees were similar to those charged by other social sector professionals.
5The entity will work for major government and social sector projects in South Africa, said a press release.
1Being a leader takes boldness, and in this the third sector is rich.
2Taking on these pension commitments creates a huge obligation for the third sector.
3Why did you move from the private to the third sector?
4Government amendments to the bill have not assuaged the fears of the third sector.
5Why should the third sector be immune from internal critics?
1While working in the nonprofit sector she created a blog.
2I secured work in the nonprofit sector and quickly fell into New York's demanding professional environment.
3For public or nonprofit sector workers - teachers, for example - debt is forgiven after 10 years.
4Right now, most of the marquee prize-backed challenges are still funded by philanthropists or the nonprofit sector.
5You can: -test the waters for a possible career move into a new field or into the nonprofit sector.
Translations for nonprofit and voluntary sector